About Us


M/S. Cable House Pvt. Ltd. is a company registered under companies act 1956 having its corporate office at 80/22, guru dwararoad, nakahindola, lucknow – 226004.

M/s Cable House Pvt. Ltd. Is one of the leading organisation of uttar pradesh statehaving work experience in various electricity board at madhya pradesh, maharashtra. uttar pradesh and uttaranchal as well as with upptcl, ntpc, gail, pwd, railway. under various turkey contracts it has execute electrification contract for supply, erection, testing & commissioning of sub-station including construction of control room building at sub stations, and thdc sub-station building with entire fencing works under epc mode Futher, it has also executed the trunkey power of station lighting package for feroze gandhi therminal poper project st-ii (2x210mw) awarded by ntpc, corporate office, delhi during the year 2000-2001 as wellas laying of lt cable at lesa, lucknow under world banl funded scheme of up power corporation ltd.

Presently M/s Cable House Pvt. Ltd. is executing a turnkey contract awarded by u.p power corporation power ltd. at unnao transganga city, kanpur, as well as contracts worth the 100.00 crore direct/under joint ventrue awarded by up power corporation ltd, at various locations in india.

Cable House Pvt. Ltd. India

Cable House Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading companies engaged in construction of power substation & lines on turkey basis since last 20 years. keeping in view in the growing demand of power sector, the management has launched an independent power division headed by as vice president to cater the requirement of growing ehv sector to execute ehv projects with quality and as per time bound schedule. due to execllent past record of m/s cable house pvt. ltd. the new power division has been intrusted with various projects of power lines & sub-station by various esteemed organizations of country. we have proven ourname and gained trust of our customers by executing all the projects up to the satifaction of our customers. under our power division our collaboration are executing various contracts of transmission lines & sub-station including construction of control room, cable trenches, main & aux. structure foundation (open/pilling type) and road. recently we have constructed sub-station including civil foundations, control room, main & aux structure erection & electrical work within record time frame. we are fully prepared to accept any challenging assignment in the field of ehv line & sub-station erection up to 220kv.

Vision & Value

Vision & Value

Our Vision

“To contribute in a substantial way to the country’s development through most reliable, thorough and dedicated engineering and execution of Electrical & Infrastucture Projects.”

Our Values

  • Dedication
  • Environment
  • Loyalty
  • Safety
  • Accountability

Our Strength

Cable House Pvt. Ltd. has developed in a very short period the required strength to take up Turnkey Projects of Electrical Substations upto 220 kV level

We have got the association of prominent power engineers who have served various electrical utilities for a long time and posses capability and competence to take up such projects.

We have developed our own setup for carrying out complete Design & Engineering as well as Project Execution.

Our Experience

We have successfully carried out and completed Engineering/Design and Construction of following projects for Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited, India.

  • 220/132/33 kV substation at Bithoor (Kanpur).
  • 220/132/33 kV substation at Sardhana (Meerut).
  • 220/132 kV substation at Neebkarori (Farrukhabad).
  • 220/132/33kV substation at Babina (Jhansi).
  • Ramleela Ground Beautification at Aishbagh (Lucknow) Uttar Pradesh Government.
  • 220/33kV GIS S/S Transganga City Unnao Kanpur.
  • 132kV S/S Daulana Hapur and Dhanaura Amroha Meerut.
  • Development of Emergency Landing Facilities of National Highway Kharakpur (NH-16) in the State of West Bengal under NHDP Project on EPC Basis as a subcontractor.
  • Construction of Railway Station Buildings, Platform & Platform Shelters Foot Over Bridges, Station Circulating areas, Staff Quarters at various Stations at Nagpur Maharashtra.